Happy New Year everybody! The Spring is upon us and we need to start training, get some new officers in place, and establish a schedule. Dave Snyder found a match over St. Patty’s Day weekend versus Westside Outcasts and with Southside Irish (location TBD) the last weekend of March. We will also be playing IU under the lights in Bloomington on April 21st. Dave is working hard on the rest, hoping for at least 2 tough matches and possibly a tournament.
We are going to have a 2013 Kickoff Party on 2/16 at 6pm at PJ O’Keefe’s in Zionsville. All new players are welcomed to attend. We’ll provide food & beer, but for a price. If you are a potential new player or bring a potential new player, the cost is $0.00 for both of you. If you’re a returning player and come alone, you must pay $20. I’ll get more details to you guys soon on location & time, but save the date of 2/16 for a good time (also dubbed the 2013 Drink Up).
Look for more to come soon. In the meantime, get out and start getting fit!
Son Michael played Rugby in Zionsville and wants to get back into playing. Feel free to e-mail him.
Played at Purdue and a number of years in California and Texas. I’m interested in attending the 2/16 kickoff party. Is the website the best place to find details or should I call one of the officers?